Kesä 09, 2023
Meet Therese Larsson, part of the organization Steget, which works to promote a sense of empowerment, hope, and the ability to influence the lives of individuals with special needs.
– A lot of it revolves around engagement. The organization consists of nine locations that require round-the-clock support, Therese explains.
The need for a mobile personal safety alarm arose to provide support, increased security, and faster access to staff.
– One individual in the organization had experienced deteriorating physical health, and there was uncertainty about whether the person would be able to be independent or not.
Since the person did not have access to a phone and to ensure their sense of security, MiniFinder was considered a secure solution.
– The devices function as emergency alarms in case the person falls or needs immediate assistance. It's also worth mentioning that many individuals with mental health issues do not have access to a mobile phone, which makes a mobile personal safety alarm even more important in providing them a sense of security and safety, Therese explains.
Steget's greatest challenge is to promote a sense of empowerment and independence for their users while ensuring their safety and security. Utilizing MiniFinder has been an important step in meeting this challenge.
Steget has been using MiniFinder since last year, which means they have had the opportunity to evaluate its effectiveness and usefulness over a significant period of time.
– MiniFinder is used in Steget's operations by having the users wear the devices as personal safety alarms. If something were to happen, such as a person falling or needing assistance, they can easily activate the alarm by pressing a button, says Therese, continuing:
– This creates an immediate connection to the staff and allows us to react quickly and provide the necessary help.
According to Therese, users who have used MiniFinder so far have found it to be something positive and reassuring.
– The alarm feels comfortable on the wrist, and it's good in case I fall so that I can alert the staff. It feels safe, shares one of Steget's users.