Syys 05, 2024
Moose hunting is one of Sweden's most traditional and cherished hunting seasons.
Here, you will find the most important information ahead of the 2024 moose hunting season.
Start Dates for Moose Hunting
Kiruna municipality above the cultivation limit: September 1–October 6.
Kiruna municipality below the cultivation limit: September 1–October 27.
Gällivare, Jokkmokk, Arjeplog, and Arvidsjaur municipalities: September 1–November 10.
Piteå, Luleå, Älvsbyn, Boden, Kalix, Haparanda, Pajala, Överkalix, and Övertorneå municipalities: September 1–January 31.
Specific areas in Arjeplog and Arvidsjaur municipalities: November 11–December 1.
Specific areas in Jokkmokk municipality: December 16, 2024–January 31, 2025.
September 1–September 25, October 10, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting areas across the county: September 1–5 (five days), non-registered land.
September 1–September 25, October 10, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting areas across the county: September 1–5 (five days), non-registered land.
September 1–September 25, October 10, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting areas across the county: September 1–5 (five days), non-registered land.
Ljusdal-Ramsjö, Ljusnan-Voxnan, Långvind, Norra Hälsingland, Strömsbruk, Ödmården, and Öster Ljusnan: September 1–September 22, October 5, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Hunting period for non-registered land: September 1–5.
Furuvik, Hamrångefjärden, and Södra Gästrikland: October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Hunting period for non-registered land: October 8–12.
Bingsjö, Bjursås, Malungs Västra, Malungs Östra Venjan, Noppikoski, Siljansringen, Särna-Idre, and Älvdalen: September 1–September 23, and October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Other moose management areas: October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Non-registered areas: September 1–5 in areas with a September hunting start and October 8–12 in areas with an October hunting start.
Finnskogen's moose management area: September 1–September 23 and October 8, 2024–January 1, 2025.
Wermlandsbergs-, Bergslagskanalens-, Vänern-Möckelns-, Glaskogens-, Vänerbygdens-, Klarälven-Frykens-, Örtens-, and Fryken-Glafsfjordens moose management areas: October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land in Finnskogen's moose management area: September 1–5.
Calf hunting on non-registered land in other areas: October 8–12.
Örebro County:
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
Uppsala County:
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
Stockholm County:
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
Västra Götaland:
October 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
Kalmar County:
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
Jönköping County:
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
October 8, 2024–January 31, 2025.
Calf hunting on non-registered land: October 8–12.
Moose Hunting Regulations
To hunt moose, the right holder must be part of a moose management area or moose care area. This means hunting is conducted over a larger area than one's land, and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency determines the number of moose that can be taken within this area, granting allocations accordingly. Moose may be hunted from one hour before sunrise until sunset. Otherwise, the same rules apply as with other hunting according to the Hunting Act and Hunting Ordinance.
Equipment for Moose Hunting
When hunting moose, it is important to have the right attire and to shoot safely. Since moose hunting often involves long shots, it’s essential to have support, such as a shooting stick. Binoculars and a rangefinder are also useful.
If you hunt with a dog, it is highly recommended to use a dog tracker. A dog tracker is a crucial tool that helps you keep track of your dog's position during the hunt. With a tracker, you can follow the dog's movements in real-time, which not only increases the dog’s safety but also makes the hunt more efficient. The tracker makes it easier to locate the dog if it runs far away, allowing you to act quickly if something unexpected happens. It is an indispensable tool for anyone hunting with a dog.